Total Steps Walked
143,334,602 total steps for epilepsy awareness.

About The Campaign
The World Health Organisation [WHO] estimates that approximately 50 million people worldwide live with epilepsy (although recent studies suggest this figure may be higher) and around 50 percent will experience some form of stigma.
That is why, in 2022, WHO Member States unanimously adopted the 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders [IGAP].
The goal of IGAP is to reduce the stigma, impact and burden of neurological disorders and to improve the quality of life of people with neurological disorders, their carers and families.
Epilepsy is given specific attention in this plan, with global targets aimed at improving access to care and addressing the discrimination and human rights challenges impacting our community worldwide.
Empowering and amplifying the voice and visibility of people with epilepsy, and those who care for them is a necessary step in the awareness-raising and advocacy that will be required to ensure we can meet these ambitious global targets set out by IGAP.
Therefore, in the weeks leading up to International Epilepsy Day – our biggest awareness raising day of the year – we are calling on everyone to join us on our epilepsy journey, and take a step against stigma!
Help us to raise awareness by together walking 50,000,000 steps – one step for each person living with epilepsy – ahead of International Epilepsy Day, 10 February 2025.
In the five years since the campaign began, over 900,000,000 steps have been taken!
The #50MillionSteps campaign has gained incredible momentum since its launch. In the five years since it began, over 900,000,000 steps have been taken!
The number of steps achieved in 2024 far exceeded our goals and expectations.
In 2025, we’re aiming even higher!
More steps. More awareness. More lives improved.
And our goal can only be achieved with your help!

Between Monday, January 6th and Monday, February 10th (International Epilepsy Day) we’ll need at least 500 people to walk 20,000 steps every week.
….are you up for the challenge?
How To Take Part
Participating in #50MillionSteps is simple. Just count your steps as you walk from January 6 to February 10, 2025, and log them using our Step Counter. The Step Counter will be active on this page starting January 6th, 2025.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to taking part!
Feel free to engage in activities like swimming, hiking, cycling, dancing, or any other activity that suits you. Explore our Resources Page for additional suggested activities.
We recommend logging your steps either at the end of each day or cumulatively at the close of the week so we can track the overall progress together and mark key milestones on our journey.
We will reveal our grand step total on International Epilepsy Day, February 10th, 2025.
This year, our campaign partners are the BAND Foundation and the Whitten Newman Foundation. Funds raised will be used to grow the IBE’s ‘Advocacy for Impact’ Fund which was set up following the release of the ‘Curse of Stigma’ documentary.
Watch the documentary trailer, learn more, donate or find out other ways to support, by visiting The Curse of Stigma
Helpful Resources
Why not download and share some of our resources to let people about the #50MillionSteps campaign and how they can get involved? We have posters, graphics, and logos on our Resources Page. Help us promote awareness and encourage participation!